Sandpit demo login
If you do not have a phone to generate data for your own Timecard demo organisation, try using the following user id and password to login to the Timecard Sandpit system's shared demo organization:
Admin User Name = demoorg Admin Password = 123456
To retrieve previously created events (if you don't have your own phone with timecard installed), you can use the following settings to retrieve events created by someone else:
User PK = 35 (This is the User primary key for Device ID "D123") Start Date = 1st March 2006 End Date = 10th March 2006
If you do not have your own EService demo organisation, try using the following user id and password to login to the EService Sandpit system's shared demo organization:
Admin User Name = eservicedemo Admin Password = demopass
To see how this client can be used to retrieve details of a previously created job, you can use the following job ID:
Job ID = 2662